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Please find below some of our general FAQs. For more questions, please get in touch with us through our Contact Us page and we will get back to you soonest!

  • Are your training programs only for OCR (Obstacle Course Racing)?
  • We specialise mainly in OCR programs, however we offer fully customised training programs as well. If you would like to discuss more into detail on what we can offer you, please send us a message from our Contact Us page or drop us an email.

    Other than our Standard and Premium programs, we offer individual Running or Strength training programs as well.

  • I’m a complete beginner and have never exercised before! Will the training program be suitable for me?
  • Of course! Our programs are designed according to your needs, current fitness level and goals. In fact, many of our OCR friends started out as a complete newbie and grew their strength through the OCRs. After realising their interest in OCR, many went on to focus more on training and some even end up competing for fun. 

  • What happens after I sign up? Do I need to provide you with anything?
  • Once you have selected a program most suited to your needs, you will be directed to the Athlete Information page to fill up a questionnaire. This questionnaire will help our head coach create a customised training program based on your current fitness level, schedule, needs and fitness goals. If you have any concerns, past/ current injuries, weaknesses, areas you wish to focus on or any other details big or small, this will be a great time to share with us. The more you share with us, the closer we will be able to match your program to your needs.

  • How long will it take to receive my first training program?
  • Your first training program will be uploaded within 3 working days from the submission of your questionnaire. In the future, you will be updating your coach along the way through your chats and thus there will no longer be a waiting period for your program to be uploaded. Our training programs are designed for the full month.


  • How will my training program look like?
  • The overview of your training program will be displayed in blocks of 4 weeks. With our calendar view, you will be able to select the individual days to see what training has been prepared for you. A link to a video on how each of your exercise should be performed will also be provided.

  • How will my progress be tracked?
  • Throughout your time with us, we will provide constant support and review. This will range from weekly reviews for our standard program subscribers to daily reviews with our premium program subscribers.

    Our head coach has handpicked 5 benchmark tests that best evaluates a person’s OCR fitness levels. You will do the benchmark tests every month to track your progress. Your results can be monitored through your progress page. Your progress page will reflect all your completed tests from when you first joined us, allowing you to easily keep track of your progress.

  • What is my Performance Chart?
  • The performance chart will input your latest benchmark test results and show you how well you perform among your peers. The chart is divided in to 5 different areas to reflect your strength in each area, and where you will need to work on more.

  • What is the Scoreboard page?
  • The scoreboard page reflects the top 10 performers in each benchmark test from our community. Just a little friendly fun!

  • Are your programs subscription based only?
  • Yes! As most of our current athletes are looking at training for periodization, we tailor their monthly training program to match their race schedule and other commitments throughout the year.

    If you are unsure about a subscription based program, we do offer a monthly program where you may cancel any time before the month is up. The next subscription up, would be a quarterly program that renews every 3 months.

  • Does my program automatically renew?
  • Yes! If you have signed on for a monthly program, your program will automatically renew before your expiry date. The expiry date is displayed on your account page.

    For quarterly programs, your program will automatically renew for the next 3 months at the expiry of your current run. Likewise, for the yearly programs, your program will be renewed for a yearly program.

  • Are we able to cancel our subscription renewal at any time?
  • Yes. You will be able to keep track of your program’s expiry date on your account page. You must cancel the subscription at least 24 hours prior to the expiry date and you’re able to cancel it any time before that.

    If you have signed up for a quarterly or yearly program, your program will still run its course as the amount would have been charged upfront. Your auto-renewal on the other hand will be cancelled.